However, when what you want is presented, there's always a fine line or a catch that comes with it. I guess the catch or the fine line is there to see how much you want it. How much you are willing to sacrifice o get what you want.
Yes, Alhamdulillah, finally i am halfway to get what I have always wanted. To work in broadcasting line (at the moment of speaking/writing, I am yet to wait for my current workplace to release me). The pay is not that much but i guess that's the sacrifice that I have to make. Well nothing comes for free right? It doesn't matter though, cause this is what I want and opportunities like this doesn't present itself very often.
So here I am at the edge of a cliff, preparing myself to take that leap that might take me to the other side or fall flat on my face. Either one, I would still end up happy cause I know at the end of the day, I can say, "hey at least I gave it a try and I did damn well at it..."
Anyways, I was given an opportunity to be on the set of the show before I even start the job. It was fun, hectic and kancheong but fun nevertheless. I guess because this is what I have always wanted to do so it doesn't feel as nerve wrecking as it is.
Anyways below are some pics of my experience.
The Set

The Infamous Control Room --->

<--- My 1st "assignment" managed to grab Dato Seri Effendi Norwawi for an interview
With Miss Vanessa Chong a.k.a Mrs Moots! --->

Interviewing Miss Chermaine Poo ^
<-- Ms or Mr Liberty!

Me managed to grab hold of Miss Paris Hilton for a short interview --->
Well i hope many more would come because i really enjoy doing this sort of stuff. Also hopefully better things will come my way in this line of work. InsyaAllah...
Moral here is chase your dream no matter how difficult it is or how u feel like it leads no where cause at the end of the day it will get you somewhere!