Sunday, August 31, 2014

Selfies and Merdeka Celebration

Selfie. A noun. Means to take a photo of oneself or with others on your own or by using aparatus such as monopod.
Kalau amik gamba sendiri menggunakan khidmat bantuan orang tidak dikira selfie.

Selfie also was nominated as the most used word of the year 2013. Everybody is into selfie. From average teenagers like you and i (eh teenagers ke?) Okay i mean average joes, to  huge stars like Ellen and influential leaders like our Prime Minister and Mr POTUS himself.

Since selfie is a crazy nowadays, admit it you do it as well, jangan nak poyo poyo cakap ko tak berselfie ye?, we attempted to break the Guiness World of Records with the most selfie taken within an hour. Currently, the record was 421 by the Canadians on July this year. Maksudnya tak sampai setahun or beberapa bulan rekod tu akan pergi kat orang lain (kita la tu).
I find it surprising that the current record holder is not from an Asian country. I might be stereotyping but i think i see a lot of Asians taking selfies than other countries, but... i might be wrong.

Anyways, it was an interesting attempt. I mean why not we take something that we love to do (well most of us) and do something that will make us proud? Right?

Well the attempt was fairly simple. Get 500 people to take individual selfie with a designated person within one hour.

So the queue went on and on and on... i think they managed to get 500 people or maybe more.

It was fun and interesting experience.

It was a memorable merdeka celebration.

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