Now normally i don't blog about movies ala review. However, i feel that i need to write about this movie (although i feel that it's kinda too late).
The movie "The Last House on The Left" has a rather long name for a movie i might say. Anyhow, this movie came from, to me the genius of it's genre - thriller, Wes Craven. He is the man who introduced us with the serial killer who stalks his prey and talk to them on the phone with freaky voice. If you do not know what movie i am talking about, it's the Scream trilogy.
Okay, if you're too young to know about Scream, you might know The Hills Have Eyes and The Hills Have Eyes 2 apart from that our all time favourite horror movie; Nightmare on Elm Street. He is a true genius in horror and thriller.
Anyhow if you are a big fan of blood, gory, smashing and anything related to those three words. I suggest you go and watch it. You will NOT regret.
Well in order to avoid spoiler. I might say that the movie sees how human can go beyond his/her capacity to protect the ones they love and to seek revenge upon those who hurt the ones they love.
it's very typical (in a good way) of Wes to put the victim in a position where he/she needs to push to the limit to survive (watch Hills Have Eyes and you'll know what i'm talking about)
I like this because it often makes me wonder do we really have the capacity to go beyond out ability when situation pushes us.
Can we really be 5 times stronger when we need to be? (was about to write 10 but it's kind of exaggeration)
Can we really lose our senses?
I was placed in a difficult situation, i.e my mugged incident and i do not know if i could go and slam the mugger's face or anything. Maybe it was not the same i don't know.
I am interested with the tag line:
"If bad people hurt someone you love, how far would you go to hurt them back?"
a question we need to ponder upon...
i want to watch the early 1972 version! terbaca review yang lama mcm super gory.in the remake ada ke part yang the mom chomped off the dick villain tu? haha.
hehhee.. tok ki.. reedem award kat blog ami cepat ngee.. tahniah.. huahua
eh. mcm penah tgk that tag line somewhere. in someone's status i think.
btw, never watched this but from the hills have eyes tu, i think it will absolutely scares me!! ho ho
totally agree with you. yup just shared something about this movie in my blog couple of weeks a go. mmg due ibu jari atas la!
epifah: oh yeah? erm musti carik the 197o's punye if it's more gory hahahaha
ami: award per nieh?
w.suhailaliza: oh yeah it's a good scare mwahhahaha but u have to watch at least one la...
beda: i know tapi baru tgk kan so ada substance la nak tulis hehehehehe
ngeee amik jerk.. pic award tuh,, pastuh.. jawab solan ape yg perlu dijawab. kalau wajin.. kalau tak wajin just amik gambar award tuh.. ngeee x penah dp award ler tuh.. kekeke
i wanna see the 1976 one!! I love this one (without the cutting bit like epi said...) hehehe... but seriously I love this movie and of course I love the way u acted throughout the movie!! hehehe... love u hub!
hey, yeah... yang original punya its not just gory tapi lagi twisted jugak. i dah tgk kat youtube but tak sanggup nak tengok sampai habis. there's one part yg diorg tak remake from the original one coz they said it was too sickening - that part was blocked by youtube.
anyways, psycho thriller la movie ni. :)
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