I just watched Hurt Locker, a drama movie about a band of army who's job is to disarm bombs in Iraq. It's not really an action movie because not much of mortar being tossed, or death toll was not much in the movie. Plus the name itself portrays that it's a crama and not an action movie. Initially i thought that it's an "army war" movie. AS the movie progresses i saw something that beyond my expectations. I saw the struggles that these army had to face day in and day out. Each and everyday every time they receive a call about a bomb, they face to face two ways of certain death; first, the bomb might just explode suddenly or if the person who's suppose to detonate it cut the wrong wire or made a dire mistake, the other one is the death threat that was brought by the people arround who hates US military's gut. They might snipe them or just blow the place up.
It was an interesting movie, but what grab my interest was, when the protagonist, played by Jeremy Renner. talked to his son solemnly, which was about a year or so. He said something like this:
"you love everything don't you? You love your mommy, you love your daddy, you love your natural pyjama,. you even love your toys. One day you'll realize that the jack in the box that you love so much is just a plush toy in a can. And when you reach my age, you will only have one or thing that you really love as for me, i have only one."
to hear this sort of word from an army officer who smiles at the sight of death is something very interesting.
Then it got me thinking is it true? As we grow older, will the things that we love be narrowed down to a few limited numbers? why so? is it because we are too preoccupied with our work and responsibilities that we ignore the things that we love. or do we lost the ability to love anything that provides us with fun and joy?
think about it and take our time to figure out what and who do we still love at this point. as for me... it has been narrowed down to a few limited people and things. then i guess Sergeant First Class William James was right after all.
this is you of scared growing up. don't worry, you're not alone.
i had this thought once, and can't sleep throughout the week. i can't eat, i can't sleep, i can't do anything.
then soon, i realize that nothing can change His fact. not me, not you, not even barack obama.
ahahaha how come barrack obama is in the picture?
not really scared of growing up per se but realizing what we love and what we do not love as we grow old. I am not afraid to grow old because i know that growing old is part of growing up and it's an adventure it's just that i'm afraid that we are to consumed with growing up that we forgot that little things that we do n love when we are young...
ah yes, i forgot to talk with my pillows.
damn i missed those pillows. they smells, messy just the way i liked them :D
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